If we can
find osama, bomb Iran .
If the
markets hurt your mama, bomb Iran .
If the terrorist are Saudi
And the
bank takes back your Audi
And t.v
shows are bawdy.
Bomb Iran !
If the
corporate scandals are growing,' bomb Iran .
And your
ties to them are showing,' bomb Iran .
If the smoking gun ain't smoking
We don't care, and we're not jokin'
That ayatollahs will soon be croakin'
Bomb Iran !
Evan if we
have no allies, bomb Iran .
From the
sand to the valleys, bomb Iran .
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your
mind and take directions,
Bomb Iran !
While the globe
is slowly warning, bomb Iran .
Yay! The
clouds of war are storming, bomb Iran .
If the ozone hole is growing,
Some things we prefer not knowing.
Though our ignorance is showing,
Bomb Iran
So here's
one for dear old daddy, bomb Iran ,
From his
favourite little lady, bomb Iran .
Saying no would look like treason.
It's Ahamadi hunting season.
Even if we have no
Bomb Iran ! Bomb Iran !! Bomb Iran !!!
BALA 08045208685/08065872052/ 08080626852/08065872052.